If you or an immediate family member have been seen at our office and don't remember your portal log-in, please call our office before scheduling online—it creates a duplicate patient in our system.
Feel free to give us a call, we would be happy to set up an appointment for you. If you call outside of business hours, we may not answer, but feel free to leave a message and we'll call back soon to get the appropriate details.
Your 24/7 access to scheduling appointments through our online health-record portal!
If you or an immediate family member have been to our office and you don't have or don't know your login, please contact our office. If you create a new profile, it duplicates you as a patient and causes our technology to not integrate correctly.
This issue is not easy to resolve and may make it difficult for both our staff and you to access your records.
19060 Q Street, Suite 107
(402) 807-3937
(402) 807-7255